There are hundreds of escorts plying their trade across Australia and New Zealand. The quality of service ranges, as you’d expect, from the very good to the mediocre.
Our escort service guides provide a city-by-city breakdown of the various companionship services available near you. We take a look at some of the best (and worst) local escort agencies, as well as directories, classified listings, and the social media profiles of popular courtesans in each city.
Browse Escort Services By City
Here is the full A-Z list of our escort service provider guides and listings.
We’re adding new cities all the time (and providers!), so check back soon as more information becomes available.
Escort Services in Australia
Escort Services in New Zealand
Be sure to check out our featured escort related posts on the blog.
We’ve profiled a number of the top agencies, as well as some independent freelancers and courtesans for their perspective on the escorting business in Australia.
We are not affiliated to any of the escort service providers mentioned on this site. If you have any questions, please contact the agent/provider through their respective contact details.
All of our listings are provided 100% free of charge and are for general informational purposes only.